1. Математическое рисование: Сложение и вычитание десятичных дробей
Математическое рисование: Сложение и вычитание десятичных дробей
Тест направлен на закрепление знаний, по теме «сложения и вычитания десятичных дробей». Решение примеров, сопровождается рисованием весёлого лисёнка на пляже😊
1 Min
Pro Frage
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9 Kommentare
Fair Mammoth Juror
Unfortunately, this test had to be disqualified for missing explanations.

Explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g. "Правильный ответ: 55,25" , "Правильный ответ: 47,32", "Правильный ответ: 4,788" etc.
Humble Leopard Autor
Dear judge, the test is made of arithmetic tasks. Unfortunately there no way to make clear explanations, because there are basic arithmetic operations.

Please, review your decision, because I believe that this test has an original idea (drawing pictures, during the solving problems) and I already tested this idea at the TeachersPayTeachers platform. And resources of this type have high rates and good feedback from other teachers. Children motivated to solve the next problems because they want to see the final picture. It works!
Fair Mammoth Juror
Humble Leopard it is indeed an interesting idea to show an emerging drawing along with the questions to incentivize the students to keep answering. Unfortunately, in the current interface you will see the finished drawing regardless of how many correct answers you gave (no matter whether you take this quiz on quiz.directory or @QuizBot), so the value of such an incentive is questionable. 

Nevertheless, the usage of media is an appreciated advantage of the test — while missing explanations are a strong disadvantage, sorry. It is possible to add more context that helps students understand or remember the correct answer, so that the tests teach them instead of just checking what they know.
Humble Leopard Autor
Fair Mammoth I agree that it would be better if only those who correctly answered all the questions could see the final picture. But, unfortunately, this is a technical limitation, which I cannot influence in any way. I believe that the picture still motivates students, as they will not want to immediately close the test after several questions. So, they will continue to the end. Also, a position in the leaderboard motivates solving tasks.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to teach someone arithmetic with short explanations. I consulted about explanations with a math teacher who has 30 years of teaching experience. She told me that the best way to learn arithmetic it is analyzing why your answer is wrong. At this moment students have the “Eureka” effect.
Humble Leopard Autor
Fair Mammoth I agree that it would be better if only those who correctly answered all the questions could see the final picture. But, unfortunately, this is a technical limitation, which I cannot influence in any way. I believe that the picture still motivates students, as they will not want to immediately close the test after several questions. So, they will continue to the end. Also, a position in the leaderboard motivates solving tasks.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to teach someone arithmetic with short explanations. I consulted about explanations with a math teacher who has 30 years of teaching experience. She told me that the best way to learn arithmetic it is analyzing why your answer is wrong. At this moment students have the “Eureka” effect.
Tall Panda Juror
Humble Leopard This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.
Humble Leopard Autor
[Обращение к судьям от автора]
Я делал этот тест с использованием ПК версии Телеграмма (не через браузер) и проверял работу на смартфоне. В них MP4-видео без звука, воспроизводятся автоматически и выглядят как GIF файлы. Именно так, я и размещал процесс рисования. На телефоне и в Desktop версии Телеграмма, оно выглядело просто отлично. Но после размещения всех тестов на этом сайте, я обнаружил что в браузере они выглядят просто как файлы, и не производиться автоматически. Рекомендую проходить тест в приложении Телеграмм, так как иначе, он не будет таким захватывающим, каким я его делал.
Пожалуйста, оповестите Телеграмм о такой проблеме с сайтом (к сожалению, я не нашёл куда можно это написать). Спасибо)

[Appeal to the judges from the author]
I made this test using the PC version of the Telegram (not browser) and tested it with a smartphone. If you upload an MP4 video without sound, Telegram will show it automatically, such as GIF files. So, I posted the drawing process in this format. On the phone and in the Desktop version of the Telegram, it looks amazing. But on this site, they look like non-media files and do not run automatically. I recommend taking the test in the Telegram application (PC or mobile) because otherwise, it will not be as exciting as it could be.
Please inform the Telegram about such an issue with the MP4 video (unfortunately, I could not find where to write this). Thank you:)
Fair Hamster
Кинь ссылку на версию для мобильного. На сайте нереально пройти, а название и описание теста очень заинтриговали
Humble Leopard Autor
Привет) спасибо за интерес! Прямой ссылки к сожалению нет, ну можешь попробовать написать сам себе сообщение (по идеи, оно предложить тогда использовать бота): @QuizBot quiz:gnxg7h0z
Если не сработает, то можешь написать мне ( @timofey_sh ), и я скину напрямую
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