Ассоциативный эмодзи-квиз "Солнце русской поэзии"
В этой викторине Вам предстоит заполнить пропуски в стихотворениях с помощи предложенных эмодзи. Учите и познавайте произведения русских поэтов путём построения ассоциаций в нашем тесте. Ассоциативная эмодзи-викторина - что это значит? Значит это то, что викторины этой серии развивают ассоциативное мышление. Но почему же важно развивать ассоциативное мышление? С его помощью наше сознание может легко перерабатывать поступающую информацию без какого-либо логического анализа. То есть благодаря нему мы можем мыслить гораздо быстрее и эффективнее. Ассоциативное мышление развивает память, формирует неординарную фантазию и развивает другие необходимые в жизни навыки. Играйте с пользой - проходите другие наши ассоциативные эмодзи-викторины, прокачивайте 🧠
15 sec
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Little Swallow judge
1. An original idea for an original test.
2. Explanations expand the correct answer.
3. Question "..., ты помнишь, вьюга ..., На мутном небе мгла носилась;" contains correct answers.
Swift Boar judge
This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:
Impressive approach to formatting. 👍 Some words in poems are replaced with Emoji, answer has to be given in Emoji to fill the gap in a poem. E.g.: #q39, #q35, #q31, #q20, etc
Holy Zebra author
There is another quiz made by my team (https://quiz.directory/quiz/SCpyKq0Y) and it is nominated for impressive approach of formatting, but also for a unique idea for an original test. This test is completely the same (the way questions, explanations, etc. look like), just about a late period. However, this one is not nominated for its uniqueness. I would want to know whether in your opinion this one is not original because there is another one that looks similarly despite the fact that the authors are the same.
Tall Panda judge
Holy Zebra This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above nominations:
A unique idea for an original test. 👍 E.g.: #q4, #q19, #q23, etc.
Quiet Snail
Tall Panda Respected judge,
Most of quizzes are disqualified due to reason of lack of explanations or explanations repeat the answer and they are justified. But in case of this quiz, I am surprised that most of the explanations simply translate the correct emoji in options into a word. Neither they explained what is the importance of the word nor emphasised the poet’s feelings regarding the line. Just simply using emojis in good way doesn’t make a quiz explainable, right....... As I am not a native speaker of Russian, I could not quote few examples. Kindly re evaluate the quiz and make sure it explains everything or not. Please consider my words. Hope you understand. 
Thank you
Holy Zebra author
Quiet Snail If you were competent, you would read the description where it is written that the purpose of the quiz is to develop associative thinking and memorize the poems, but not to analyze them.
Quiet Snail
Holy Zebra Hello 
Hope you are fine in this pandemic. Your design and motive of quiz is nice but simply memorising poems is not enough for students. They must understand the feelings of poet through poem. Literature is like a huge ocean of feelings and emotions. If you did not convey the meaning of lines some people may follow it in different way and may lead to wrong consequences. Learning the feel of poem is as important as memorising the poem. If there is no meaning conveyed in this quiz, then it is incomplete. No explanations then no need to learn about the poem through any way like your emojis test. Hope you understand. 
Thank you
Calm Deer
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