История в объективе камеры
Путь человечества в последние сто лет можно отследить по фотографиям. Ничто не укрылось от всевидящего ока объектива!
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Agile Hamster judge
This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:

Educational pre-poll messages. 👍 This test uses pre-poll messages well to achieve an educational effect. E.g.:
Ace Shark author
Thank you very much :)
Merry Toad
Dear Judge, despite interesting test I would ARGUE this test might pretend for any type of rewards because of awkward unclearances found in the test:
5-question, in the description author writes "СССР не участвовал в играх так как в нашей стране в то время не было олимпийского комитета", but there is no such country like USSR currently, so no one can't say "in our country", instead of it author should write just "there was no olympic committe in the USSR that time;
7-question, in the question, author explains about difficulties in russian aerospace sphere in 1990th of the XX century, but it turned out that answer is related to 2002 which is not definitely 1990th;
10-question, author uses abbrevation "BOB" but it might familiar to those who really study the whole history of the Second World War, I am sure many of younger generation who wants really to learn something needs to have full name like "Великая отечественная война". Otherwise it is misleading;
12-question, there is no correct answer in the options, despite options should have it. Instead, author writes correct answer in description part which is initially should serve as explanation;
14-question, for me it is still unclear - What author means by writing "В каком году сделана фотография, которую вы посмотрели на предыдущем слайде?" - Which "previous slide"????? I think we only might have previous questions in passing test;
20-question, in the description part author is not conflict sensitive and awkwardly writes that the US supported Afghanistan. Everyone knows that in that war the US supported "mujaheedens", but not whole Afghanistan. Moreover, photo in the question shows us that Reagen met with "mujaheedens" but not with official government of that time's Afghanistan.
I strongly advice judges to re-check the test and make decision correctly on it, otherwise it might negatively effect persons like me who wants learn something during continuing lockdown.
Ace Shark author
Merry Toad Hey. Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, and almost all Russian-speaking users are from the CIS countries. I consider it appropriate to call the USSR "our country". The collapse of the roof on Buran is a direct consequence of the problems in the aerospace industry of the 1990s, everything is correct here too. "BOB" is a well-known abbreviation that is used everywhere and is not something incomprehensible. Why can't I use the word "slide" if it's not prohibited? The main thing is to make it clear what it is about. I have to agree with the questionable explanation about Afghanistan.
Ace Shark author
Merry Toad Thank you for your comment
Merry Toad
Ace Shark Okay. Anyway we can’t generalize saying “our country” (USSR), ‘cause test is open for all world not only for former Russian-speaker Soviet countries. Good luck!
Brave Llama
Bem instrutivo
Ace Shark author
Muito obrigado :)
Fluffy Gorilla
Интересный и креативный тест.
Но есть два вопроса:
1. Авторские права использованных картинок. Необходимо указывать источник
2. В тесте почти все вопросы связаны с СССР. Может было бы лучше История СССР в объективе камеры. Иначе люди которые проходят тест по названию немного вводятся в заблуждение
Ace Shark author
Спасибо за ваш комментарий :)
Честно говоря большое количество вопросов про СССР вышло случайно. При создании тестов в дальнейшем буду указывать источники. Единственное, возможно, это не везде нужно: к примеру когда речь идет о широко известных картинках вроде изображения плаката "Родина-мать зовёт!"
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