Cuestionario de Cálculo Vectorial para universitarios
El cuestionario contiene una lista de preguntas sobre los conceptos más importantes del cálculo de varias variables, así como algunos problemas de aplicación sencillos de resolver. The quiz contains a list of questions about the most important concepts of calculus of several variables, as well as some simple application problems to solve.
5 daqiqa
Har bir savolga
Oʻrtacha vaqt
Tanlov balli
6 ta fikr
Fit Hyena hakam
This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:
1. Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q45, #q64, #q74, etc.
2. Well-used and self-made media. 👍 Eg: # q1, # q2, # q3, etc.
Neat Chicken hakam
This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:

1. Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and/or why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, etc.

2. Well-used and self-made media. 👍 E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, etc.
Smart Kiwi
Excelente quiz!
Agile Chicken muallif
Tincho тинчо
Me pareció muy original, pero demasiado extenso, podrías tal vez dividirlo en temáticas más puntuales. Felicitaciones por tu cuestionario.!
Agile Chicken muallif
Gracias por las sugerencias, serán tomadas en cuenta.
Fikr bildirish uchun testni ishlang