Test your chemistry knowledge with these questions. Quiz requires a knowledge of mainly general chemistry and a little of organic chemistry.
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Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q1, #q33, #q35
Cool Deer
Good and informative quiz under chemistry. I've a doubt in one question. How can H₂SO₄ be a normal salt? It's an acid, isn't it?
21. Which of the following states of matter has no definite shape?

You gave answer as gas doesn't have a definite shape. That's correct but liquid also doesn't have a definite shape. Liquid merely take the shape of its container.

4. Which of the following substances does not have a melting point?
Since glass is an amorphous solid it also don't have a sharp melting point. It varies within a range.

1) An element has 5 electrons on its outtermost shell it is likely to be in what group?
Nowadays we use modern periodic table so this questions options are not suitable. It's a member of 13th group.

35 ) Which of the following is a normal salt?
Sulfuric acid is a strong corrosive acid and is not a salt.

10. Which of the following is not an example alicyclic compounds?
Here Pyridine is also not alicyclic it is a non benzenoid aromatic compound.

Most of the Chemical Compounds have not been given actual super and subscripts.  In H2So4 atleast you could've made the O capital.
Sweet Goose
30. When electrons are delocaliZed in a system it is referred to as?
– D. Resonance effect
– C. Conjugated system

C and D are correct
In chemistry, a conjugated system is a system of connected p orbitals with delocalized electrons in a molecule, which in general lowers the overall energy of the molecule and increases stability
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