Algorithms and Programming 101 by @OKSoFar
❶ Before you hit 'start', please keep a pen and a paper ready, some questions may require you to work out a solution. ❷ As soon as you answer a question, timer for the next question starts. So, DO NOT spend time on the explanation, you can look it up anytime later using the 'lamp' button. ❸ Channel @OKSoFar has a list of more such quizzes, do check them out.
3 분
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6 댓글
Smart Tiger judge
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Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3 etc
Calm Kitten
A good quiz, but difficult for me
Small Lizard
About question with the discovery time after performing a BFS.
I know about discovery time for DFS, but not for BFS. I think that such term doesn't exist. Is there some source where discovery time for BFS is described?
Small Turkey author
Thanks a lot for pointing it out, I just discovered that 'discovery time' for BFS is not a well-discussed term in any popular text. Discovery 'wavefront' or 'layer' would have been the right term here ("Algorithm Design" by KT).
Small Lizard
Suppose linked lists are used to represent sets. The operation of intersection of two sets of size m and n has the time complexity...
Your answer is O(nm), but I can do this in O(nlogn+mlogm) in following way: sort both sets in O(nlogn+mlogm) and then find intersection using one cycle through them in O(n+m).
Small Turkey author
Thank you for this important comment, I think you are right. I will verify this and update accordingly, once it becomes editable.
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