English Quiz - Tenses
An English quiz about Tenses. The questions are written in English, but the explanations are written in Indonesian. Good luck!
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8 комментариев
Little Camel
Nice one,I could have done better
Tidy Skunk
But did you?
Tidy Skunk
At least the questions were very nice. Uhm, the explanations kind of looked okay? ':D
I spotted two errors:
'Amelia sits next to Deasy this morning, but she ... next to Chichi right now.'
As 'this morning' is already in the past (at least it was at a time before 'now'), you can't use the simple present 'sits' here, you need to use the simple past: 'Amelia sat ...'
Tidy Skunk
'By the time I am 25, I ____ my own car.'
Owning a car is not a short action like driving a car.
You can own a cars for years! So I'd say:
'By the time I am 25, I will own my own car.', not 'will have owned'. It's to be expected that I will (still) own my own car at the age of 25.
Maybe you should even use: 'I will be owning my own...'?
I'm not sure... :I
Little Camel
Tidy Skunk Looking at it in a more modest perception,and having to consider the timeline, it can still be 'will have owned" from the period this writer was posting the question to that 25years maybe will have owned a car.
Little Camel
Sure,I concur with you on this.
Tidy Skunk
Little Camel Yeah, you are right in theory...
But I really wouldn't think I'd ever say that. That is extremely specific and weird without context.
So, for the next time, I'd wish for a more clear example. :)
Little Camel
Can I have an idealistic example according to you?
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