Seberapa kenal anda dengan indonesia?
Bahasa Indonesia
‏3 دقیقه
به ازای سوال
زمان متوسط
محروم شد
امتیازات مسابقه
2 نظر
Grim Tapir داور
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.
#q30 #q3 #q4 #q21 #q28 etc.
Tanned Goat
Kuis ini memiliki pertanyaan yang jelas, pilihan jawaban juga jelas dan tampaknya si pengarang menggunakan kalimatnya sendiri dan tidak menyalin teks dari suatu tempat. Menurut saya, ini kuis sejarah yang menghibur.
(This quiz has clear questions. The answer options are also clear. It seems that the author made this quiz from his own sentences and not copied some text from somewhere. I think this is a history quiz that is entertaining.)
جهت نوشتن نظر در آزمون شرکت کنید.