English Grammar in Use (Tenses)
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This quiz is to help you decide which units of English Grammar in Use book you need to study. There are 30 sentences that are related to English tenses (Present and past, Present perfect and past, Future). Each sentence can be completed using one alternative. If you don't know or if you are not sure which alternatives are correct, then you probably need to study the unit(s) that will be indicated after the answer.
30 sek
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2 komentarze
Classy Giraffe sędzia
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Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Missing links to explanation sources.
Hip Hawk
Hi there, nice quiz!

Your explanations are not that helping, you just recommend people to review units other than explaining what went wrong or what it takes to get things right.

Next time consider adding links to read further info as well as some graphics. Good luck. Keep the hard work
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