60 questions about Geography and Mathematics...
30 s
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7 comentarios
Grim Tapir juez
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.:
#q60 #q59 #q15 #q2 etc.
Modest Puma autor
But my tes does not infringe any copyright. Why I can not get a prize for the fact that the explanation is small, how can I tell that the capital of England is London, which need an explanation
Tall Panda juez
Modest Puma This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, #q4, #q5, #q6, #q7, #q8, #q9, #q10, #q11, etc.
Brave Llama
Modest Puma autor
Очень странная смесь из столиц государств и арифметических подсчётов.
Конечно же футбол изобрели китайцы. Их учёные все смогли обосновать.
Modest Puma autor
Я старался чтобы тест не нарушал а.п и так получилось что там смесь, а насчёт китайцов , это так и есть.
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