Pertanyaan tentang bisnis dan teknologi
Bahasa Indonesia
30 san
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Yarışma Puanı
Topluluk Derecelendirmesi
6 yorum
Quick Sheep
18. Dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk dalam brand asli Indonesia adalah?
– donuts and coffe
– La fonte
– Lea jeans
– Semuanya termasuk

Missing explanations. All explanations show the same text without educational value.
Little Gecko oluşturucu
Thank you very much for the comment. My question at number 18 is to provide insight into local products. Besides this problem also tries to feel the accuracy in answering questions. Because in that problem I can't announce the phrase "not included" while the answers I show in the initial 3 choices are all included in the purpose of the question I gave. Therefore the right choice is the 4th choice which is "everything included".
I wanted to explain more about my answer that could not be explained in the quiz, but unfortunately, to explain at length in the bot quiz was added by the number of words set by the telegram. But behind these limitations, I really like this Quiz Bot.
Little Gecko oluşturucu
untuk mengecek jawaban saya silahkan klik
Quick Sheep
Kirain bisa ngecek di explanation.
Little Gecko oluşturucu
Quick Sheep di explanation nya sekedar pemberitahuan bahwa semua pilihan produk tersebut termasuk dalam brand Indonesia😇 karena kalo dijelaskan satu per satu bisa melebihi batas jumlah kata yang sudah ditetapkan di quiz bot
Little Gecko oluşturucu
sekali lagi terima kasih atas komentarnya😊
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