Computer Science
This quiz is about computer science. It will test the knowledge, information and skills of students and member of community that how much they have information about and how they needed further. Along with that it will help the students to determine the direction so that they can trace their path of learning in field of computer science
30 ث
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5 تعليقات
Stylish Dragon
Boom! You made an awesome quiz, interesting and educative.
Clever Scorpion منشئ الاختبار
Night Lemur
There are many good questions here, but also some incorrect ones:
1. Question 14: Apart from the weird question format, Linear Search would actually be the correct question here, since it uses up the least amount of memory. Intuitively, this is obvious when thinking about the algorithm: It goes through all elements one by one until it finds the element (or not). It only needs to "remember" at which index it is in the list it traverses, and nothing else, which is even less than what Depth-First-Search uses. Formally, this means that Linear Search has a space complexity of O(1), so (only in regards to memory requirements!) it's one of the most efficient ways to search a collection[1].
2. Question 22: Files in the most common Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, macOS) actually don't always need an extension, it can simply be omitted[2].
3. Question 24: 1 Byte = 8 Bits, not 8 Bytes. 8 Bytes would be 8*8 Bits = 64 Bits
4. Question 42: The question isn't really a question, so it's unclear what the answer should be. There's also an area of AI that investigates methods of facilitating Image Processing, so it's not clear to me why only Natural language processing is marked as correct.
5. Question 49: HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol[3], not Hyper Text Markup Protocol.
6. Question 50: "All of the above" should be at the very bottom of the question, otherwise it only referts to one answer even though the others should be included too.

[1]: (see space complexity in the sidebar)
Clever Scorpion منشئ الاختبار
All of the above is always at the bottom, it come early sometimes because of the shuffling by the app. Others questions might be misprinted or something unconconsious mistake. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes. I will try to go through it now.
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