🔰 ENGLISH QUIZ🔰 🦋@quizmaster_gpsc🦋 By...@Anju_solanki
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5 yorum
Giant Snail jüri
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

1. Missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.:
#q1 #q2 #q3 etc.

2. Major language issues. Too many mistakes in questions, answers and explanations. E.g.:
"lest" (less), "workuii" (work), etc.
Quick Walrus
This quiz has multiple issues:
3 is wrong,
5 is repeated.
No 9 has grammatical issues,
12 is wrong!
Question 14 is wrong.
Question 15 has several issues so does question 16.
17 is wrong.
21 has multiple answers.
23 answer is wrong.
25 answer is wrong.
27 doesn't have a correct answer
Bold Bull
I'm not the author of the quiz but not all the questions you mentioned here are really faulty. I suggest you attempt them again an see. Though, a few questions seem to have multiple correct answers. Question 5 is truly repeated.
Naima Ahmed
So happy
Eager Clam
Many errors: question 5 is indeed repeated; question 9 should read "less" and not "lest"; question 12 should read "me" and not "my"; "workuií" should read "work".
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