Human body
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Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct.
E.g.: #q5, #q2, #q1 etc.
Fancy Piranha
interesting questions but they are experienced i think you give me refrence about hair and nail delf healing? : what is realition this question in this quiz ? it's latin test i think : The kidneys filter about one-quarter (750-1000 pints) of the blood that is output by the heart daily.
liver known for it's filtering too .
Stout Mantis autore
If you lose your nail, it will take about 7 to 10 days for the nail bed to heal. A new fingernail will take about 4 to 6 months to grow to replace the lost nail. Toenails take about 12 months to grow back. > also your hair will grow in place of lost hair.
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Phobia is also psychological disorder which increases the risk of different illnesses. And all human diseases related to human and human body.
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The liver is the main detoxification organ.Liver cells produce many enzymes which are capable of inactivating a wide range of substances which would otherwise be toxic to the body. The kidneys act as a filter where blood is purified and desired substances are then reabsorbed.
Eager Cock
Good quiz except for two questions which are:- #" What is Femur?" In the
explanation for the answer you said that femur is the upper bone of the
leg. In medicine regions are divided and the leg is different from the
thigh and the foot. Femur is located in the thigh, not in the leg(leg
include the bones Tibia and Fibula only). #"Which body organ filters
the blood?" The answer you gave is the "LIVER" but the correct answer
is"KIDNEY." Liver detoxify, kidney filter. proof for answer :-
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The human leg, in the general word sense, is the entire lower limb[1][2] of the human body, including the foot, thigh and even the hip or gluteal region. However, the definition in human anatomy refers only to the section of the lower limb extending from the knee to the ankle, also known as the crus.
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Both liver and kidney are used in blood filtration, but the main organ which filters blood is liver.
Sweet Lion
the time is long
Fluffy Horse
For question “Which body organ filters the blood?” your answer is LIVER.Your explanation for question “Which human organ has the highest blood flow?” is: ... “That’s because kidneys are the body’s natural filtration system.
I think your answers contradict each other.
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