Scripture Aptitude Test
Christian Religious Knowledge
30 s
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Giant Elk jutge
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Not an original test. Most questions, answers, explanations were copied from an existing test. E.g.: “#q9” <=, “#q17” <=, “#q28” <=, "#q27" <=
Savvy Gorilla
Very interesting
Savvy Gorilla
Question 44 is incredibly, the first person to die or the first person to be killed..
Abel was the first person to be kill
Very sensitive
Fairy Chameleon
While this is commendable, the errors in this quiz are kinda much. Take 18 for example. You said it's a scripture test based on the scriptures. The Bible clearly stated the three wise men came to Christ as a newborn. Your question wasn't asking us based on research. You asked us, based on the Bible.
No 33. It was three times he sent out a dove, and once for a raven. Your answer and question were very contradictory.
No 37. Cain never had a record of death in the Bible. So, how is Cain the answer, when Abel was obviously the person that was killed.

I noticed two other errors I think, but these were the three I could remember their numbers.
Nimble Leopard
I spotted some mistakes and I will mention them:

Question 2: the word ’prophesise’ in the question should read ’prophesy’.

Question 6: the question should read ’what does BC mean’ instead of ’means’.

Question 8: the question reads ’Jacob’ while it should read ’Jacob’s’. Also the explanation is not understandable English.

Question 15: the explanation reads ’the new restaurant contain’ while I assume it should read ’the new testament contains’.

Question 22 is very confusing. Even the explanation has a question mark in the end.

Question 24: the explanation says ’mose did not write’ while it should read ’Jesus did not write’.

Question 30: the verse mentioned in the explanation does not provide the answer to the question.

Question 32 has two exactly same answers, 969, but only the other one is correct.
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