Android Developer Quiz
Test your Android development knowledge
30 초
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Educational explanations. 👍
Explanations describe the reasons why the correct answers are correct.
E.g.: #q8, #q7, #q6, #q3, etc
Jolly Giraffe
In a question "Which one is correct?" one of the answers was "It is more performant than ConstraintLayout". I think your quiz is good overall, but here you should have provided some question because the answer doesn't make sense you are not comparing it neither with the question context and neither with the answer context itself, it is missing a context. While reading the answer one ask himself "What is more performant than ConstriaintLayout?" which creates confusions. Good work!
Hardy Snail author
Fixed that!
Desert Snail
Good quiz. Nicely put together.

Just an observation.
9. the answer "onActivityResult" and the next option are both missing the parentheses.
Hardy Snail author
Thanks. That's right. onActivityResult should have parentheses after it.
Hardy Snail author
Hardy Snail But you know the focus was on the name here.
Desert Snail
Hardy Snail True.
Hardy Snail author
Just fixed this. Thanks for the feedback :)
Fierce Raccoon
Incorrect answer on the question "Which value should be used in android:configChanges (manifest) to prevent activity recreation when the device is rotated?". The rotation value is absent.
Hardy Snail author
"rotation" is one of the options. Double checked.
Fierce Raccoon
Hardy Snail Could you show me the source, please?
That all possible values of activity `android:configChanges` from the official documentation:

android:configChanges=["mcc", "mnc", "locale",
                                 "touchscreen", "keyboard", "keyboardHidden",
                                 "navigation", "screenLayout", "fontScale",
                                 "uiMode", "orientation", "density",
                                 "screenSize", "smallestScreenSize"]
Hardy Snail author
Fierce Raccoon Oh, rotation is not one of the acceptable values. "orientation" must be used instead :(
Fierce Raccoon
Hardy Snail :like:
Hardy Snail author
I fixed this. Thanks for the feedback.
Fierce Raccoon
Incorrect answer options in question: "What is the correct way to specify the id "myView" for a View?". android/app namespaces are not declared. We can override namespace in XML declaration.
Hardy Snail author
The question asks about the common way this is done.
Fierce Raccoon
Hardy Snail It depends on namespaces: xmlns:app=""
in that case the correct answer is:
Hardy Snail author
Fierce Raccoon That might be viable. But, I don't know a developer who usually overrides namespaces. Do you?
Fierce Raccoon
Hardy Snail depends on project rules
Hardy Snail author
This question was controversial. I replaced it with another.
Fierce Raccoon
"Which library is NOT used for networking?" - All answers are incorrect. Only OkHttp uses for networking. Retrofit/Volley - it's a REST Clients, without network communication implementation.
Hardy Snail author
Among other options, Glide is the only library that is not used in the networking context. Others are.
Fierce Raccoon
Hardy Snail Images might be loaded from a network)
Hardy Snail author
Fierce Raccoon Right, but its main purpose in the project is loading images, not handling network requests, etc.
Hardy Snail author
Fierce Raccoon But, thanks for accurately and technically observing the questions. I appreciate it.
Nice test,thanks.
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