مقارنة بين كريستيانو رونالدو و ميسي
15 초
평균 시간
대회 점수
7 댓글
Grim Tapir judge
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 questions have the same explanation. E.g.
#q10 #q16 #q27 #q29 etc.
Quick Dodo author
Dear members of the referee committee.
Thank you for your evaluation and for informing you of the work you provided. I would like to add
Away from my extreme need for money, this test was created according to a comparison, so most of the issue seems unclear, but in reality it specializes in some stage or paragraph of a certain tournament, and my Arab colleagues conducted their test in it and praised the multiplicity of questions. In the end, thank you
Tall Panda judge
Quick Dodo This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.: #q2, #q3, #q6, #q10, #q15, #q16, #q17, #q18, #q21, #q22, #q23, #q24, #q25, #q26, #q27, #q28, #q29, #q30.
Quick Dodo author
Tall Panda .. اثق انكم تهتمون بكافة اللغات عزيزي الحكم.

اود التقدم بالشكر لكم جميعا واحييكم على المتابعة الحثيثة وتقييم المعلومات المضمنة في الاختبار .

اتمنى انكم لن تعتبروا انني اعترض على عملكم و على قرارتكم
كنت قد تعبت في وضع التفسيرات لكل سؤال ولكن يبدو ان اللغة العربية لا يتم ترجمتها بشكل مناسب ( كما اعني ) و هذا ليس خطأكم.

شكرا على تقديم الملاحظات ...
댓글이 삭제되었습니다
Quick Dodo author
Dead , There are not . But the questions talk about different roles within the same tournaments, please re-evaluate the rules for the idea of ​​comparison
I wish you a pleasant time
Fairy Heron
Good luck! Just repeated your quiz.m and vote for you.
Quick Dodo author
Thanks for supported from you . I hope win with a best quiz 💖
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