Domande su johnny depp
Sono domande semplici su johnny depp e non preoccupatevi di sbagliare
15 sek
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6 komentarzy
Fit Hyena sędzia
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Too many irrelevant explanations. 10 or more explanations no relation to the subject of the question or answer (or add no further information about the topic). E.g.: #q13, #q14, #q15, #q24, #q25, etc.
Quiet Gopher
I didn't like this quiz very much.
I'm a fan of Johnny Depp, but this quiz is badly done.
There are grammatical and syntactic errors: for example in some questions there is no punctuation or name and surname are written in lower case, as well as the names of the films.

Examples of "wrong" questions:
- "Johnny depp.Ha un “impero” immobiliare?";
- "La maledizione del forziere fantasma in che hanno è uscito?dove Johnny depp era il protagonista"

Time given to each question, right. Maybe I would have put fewer answers, including deciding.
Stout Squid autor
Thanks for you opinion
Bossy Heron
Adoro questo quiz, penso che abbia fatto impazzire tutti i fan di Johnny 😍 Appena ho visto questo quiz, l'ho selezionato subito per farlo, lo adoro veramente! Le domande presenti nel quiz sono veramente belle!! Grazie per averlo creato 😉
Stout Squid autor
Condividilo così lo vedranno più persone
Stout Squid autor
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