Таблица умножения
Тест на знания таблицы умножения, она же таблица Пифагора. Этот тест поможет вам проверить и закрепить знания таблицы умножения. Начинайте проходить тест даже не зная ее и уже через небольшое время вы будете владеть табличкой в совершенстве. Удачи 🍀
10 s
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8 comentaris
Fair Quokka jutge
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your Quiz for the contest. Unfortunately, this Quiz will not be able to receive a prize:

Too many missing explanations. More than 10 questions have the same explanation, e.g. #q1, #q2, #q3, #q4, #q5, #q6, #q7, #q8,#q9, #q10.
Sunny Llama autor
I’m not agree. Not more that 10, only 10. And there is a reason for this.
Sunny Llama autor
There are 10 groups of questions, so every group have one explanation.
Sunny Llama autor
Multiplication table from 1 to 10 can have only 10 groups.
Sunny Llama autor
Thanks for you comment. Please reconsider your solution.
Sunny Llama autor
My Quiz was disqualified for explanations being repeated (rule 1b), but this is not true because there are 10 groups of similar questions, so every group have one unique explanation. There is only 10 possible groups for this test.
Вполне рабочий и помогающий тест.
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