Examen admisión test
5 dak
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3 yorum
Giant Elk jüri
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Not an original test. Most questions, answers, explanations were copied from an existing test. E.g.: “#q1” <= https://docplayer.es/120669612-Solucionario-examen-uni-2013-ii-cultura-general-ciencias-sociales-cultura-general-y-aptitud-academica-lenguaje.html, “#q2” <= https://docplayer.es/120669612-Solucionario-examen-uni-2013-ii-cultura-general-ciencias-sociales-cultura-general-y-aptitud-academica-lenguaje.html, etc.

Sharp Scorpion oluşturucu
those questions do not belong to those pages, those questions are public, made by the national engineering university to which I have access
Tall Panda jüri
Sharp Scorpion This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Not an original test. Questions and answers were copied from an existing test. E.g.:
#q1: "Indique los prefijos que signifiquen casa y enfermedad respectivamente." <=https://docplayer.es/120669612-Solucionario-examen-uni-2013-ii-cultura-general-ciencias-sociales-cultura-general-y-aptitud-academica-lenguaje.html (see q.1, page1),
#q2: "Cual de las siguentes opciones presenta solo palabras con hiato" (see q.2, page 1),
#q3: "El precursor del romanticismo en la literatura peruana fue:"(see q.6, page 2),
#q4: "En la obra literaria " El viejo y el mar" de E. Hemingway, el tema central es:" (see q.9, page 4), etc.
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