Languages of the world
Every language is a window to a different world: each one has its own history, features and peculiarities that make it unique. Since so many languages are endangered today, a good way to preserve them is to enhance our knowledge about such colorful variety. This is the aim of this quiz, which is intended for both linguistics students and language enthusiasts - or just curious. It consists of three parts: 1) language families; 2) endangered languages and linguistic anthropology; 3) writing systems. Ready to learn more about the languages of the world? Enjoy!
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1. Educational explanations. 👍
Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct.
E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q14, #q15, etc

2. Educational pre-poll messages. 👍
Pre-poll messages introduce the question.
E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, #q4, #q8, #q14, #q15, #q25
Subtle Hamster
Brutal one 😆 I would suggest less historical references to make this more about linguistics. Great use of images - it was interesting.
Sharp Chameleon author
Thank you very much! I'm happy you enjoyed my quiz :)
Thank you also for your suggestion, but what do you mean exactly by historical references? I think they are quite important in the section of language families/historical linguistics, to provide more data about specific language phenomena.
Subtle Hamster
Sharp Chameleon Sorry, I meant the specific dates you mention in the quiz, historical references are indeed super important!
Savvy Lizard
A brutal quiz indeed, but I learned a lot! Great job!
Sharp Chameleon author
Wow guys thank you so much! I spent quite a lot of time making it, so I'm very happy you liked it :)
Giant Kitten
This was a splendid quiz, truly amazing work!! I have learned a lot about history and language.
It shows great effort and creativity. Well done and Congratulations!! 👍👍
Sharp Chameleon author
Thank you so much, it was my purpose to show how beautiful languages are, and I’m really happy you learned something new with my quiz 😊
Quick Swan
This was tough, studied a lot.But these were random questions from a very vast subject. This quiz would have been better if the questions were more connected. ❤️
Sharp Chameleon author
Hi Nabeel, thank you for your feedback. I am glad you learned something out of my quiz.
The idea behind the quiz was to give a general knowledge about linguistics in a way that could be both interesting for specialists and easy for non-experts. To make it less boring I preferred to use a wider frame and to include different questions focusing on many topics. All of them show how languages are diverse, which was the aim of the quiz. So I would not consider them random, unless you consider linguistics as a whole as a random discipline. I could have made a quiz only about historical linguistics or linguistics typology, but I doubt that it would have attracted many people – so it wouldn't have been very didactical :)
Quick Swan
Sharp Chameleon 👍🏼❤️
tough, but it was good
Lauren Stigliano
Sharp Chameleon, what's your field of studies? May I know a little more about it? So interested about your background 😊
Sharp Chameleon author
Hi Lauren, I am a linguist :) I have studied both historical and anthropological linguistics. Here I tried to put a bit of both :) Basically I have studied how languages evolve, change, and how language is connected with culture.
There was a mistake. Bulgarian isn't a Romance language.
Sharp Chameleon author
Hi Petko, I never said it was, indeed. Neither the other answers in that question (#6) were romance languages, as I mentioned in the additional information "The other languages belong to other Indo-European subgroups".
Really Tough
Very tough, I'd prefer shorter text
Thanks for the test . I am enjoyed I do this test thank for autor
Thandiwe Matshikiza
Thoroughly tough but I held my own.
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