Computer Basics Quiz
This quiz has basic questions about computers, information technology and softwares.
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Giant Elk judge
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Not an original test. Questions, answers, explanations were copied from an existing test. E.g.: “#q16” <=, “#q19” <=, "#q8" <=
Giant Kitten author
Thank you for letting me be part of the contest.
I would like to say though the links mentioned resemble my questions; I prepared my questions by myself and from my course notes.
I will come up with more unique and different questions next time.
Thank you for the comment and I appreciate all the work you do.
yabets Zerai
The time short
Giant Kitten author
Time is also part of the challenge. Thanks.
Stout Shrimp
Question "What is the output device that converts digital signal into analog signal of sound waves?" has a typo in the explanation; it says "recieve" instead of "receive".

Question "Programs that are designed to perform a specific task is calles" has a typo in the description; it says "calles" instead of "called".

Question about a document on the World Wide Web that can include texts, pictures, sounds and video has a typo in both the answer and the explanation; it says "webapge" instead of "webpage".
Giant Kitten author
Thanks for the feedback. The typo errors will be rectified in the future.
Giant Kitten author
Giant Kitten author
Chris Ade
Giant Kitten author
Thanks for the feedback.
Agile Jaguar
Good for Basic Computer knowledge
Giant Kitten author
Appreciate the insight.
Good test
Giant Kitten author
Thank you:)
Grim Deer
Nice quiz and hard efforts 👍
Giant Kitten author
Thanks :)
Quiet Gopher
Nice quiz. Good . No mistake
Giant Kitten author
Humble Beaver
Good effort! Nice to know where I stand in terms of my knowledge in Computer Basics :)
Giant Kitten author
Appreciate the comment.
Night Lemur
Apart from one tiny issue and a few spelling mistakes, this was a good quiz with fitting questions.
In Question 8, it is stated that the binary digit 0 refers to a state of absence, but this isn't necessarily true, at least not without any context. For example, in NRZ binary coding a 0 is encoded as a "negative"[1], not an "absence".
This could be fixed by adding context to the question which details where the 0 is used.

Giant Kitten author
Thanks for the feedback.
More specification and context will be considered for the future.
For this one what was considered was basic binary data definition:
"Often, binary data is used to represent one of two conceptually opposed values, e.g:
the outcome of an experiment ("success" or "failure"),
the response to a yes-no question ("yes" or "no"),
presence or absence of some feature ("is present" or "is not present")..."
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