JavaScript Test
Test the knowledge of JavaScript (JS) - programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
‏30 ثانیه
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3 نظر
Hip Bass
Good test, but could be better:

What is the correct declaration of a generator function?
It will be good to have a short description, what generator functions are, giving plain function syntax is not enough

Which is NOT a method fo Array? 
Here you have a mistake: “of” not “fo”

What would be the result of 5+3+”8”?
correct answer is a string“88” not number 88. Explanation is correct, but answer is wrong

Which keywords are used to handle exceptions?
The way you put “all of these” as a separate answer is misleading. I would personally specify like: 
should be all of these: try, catch, finally.
Same comment relates to all questions with “all of these” as an answer

Which operator can NOT be used in JavaScript?
you cannot use ?: as an operator, you can use it in ternary “condition ? true : false”, but all together not

Which attribute makes graphical elements invisible?
Not sure if it’s related to Javascript, and also not “visibilty”, but “visibility”?

Which of the following Array methods calls a function for each element in the array?
Where filter() also calls a function (predicate) for each element in array. So maybe remove filter, and substitute with something else?

It will be good to have separate questions related to apply / bind / call. Also recheck correct answers and add more details to some of the questions I pointed out.
All in all, it’s a good start, and there is something to improve!
Dashing Squid نویسنده
Thanks! Yes, there are some mistakes but I didn't find how to edit questions.
Hip Bass
True that, it's impossible to edit tests after they are submited 😓
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