Тест на знание античной философии
В этом тесте будут вопросы на знание основных направлений в античной философии, а так же Вам предстоит применить свои знания о великих философах Древней Греции и Рима.
30 dtk
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Skor Kontes
Peringkat Kelompok
10 komentar
Swift Boar juri
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Too many irrelevant explanations. 10 or more explanations no relation to the subject of the question or answer (or add no further information about the topic). E.g.: #q30, #q28, #q27, etc
Stone Kitten pencipta
There was no definition of the concept "explanation" at the beginning of the contest. Why do you suppose that explanations must give some additional context? According to my opinion, explanations must give the true information about the right answer and their function is only for didactics. The didactic aim is reached when the explanation makes the student know the truth. I ask you to qualify my quiz according to my argument.
Stone Kitten pencipta
How can you judge participants if you make mistakes? "10 or more explanations no relation to the subject of the question or answer (or add no further information about the topic)". You must write "have no relation".
Stone Kitten pencipta
There is the substitution of concepts "explanation" for "argumentation" in your evaluation criteria about this issue. Explanation must explain (sorry for the tautology) but to explain means to get the true statement clearer and to make the person believe that the statement is true. Argumentation means explaining the statement's reasons of truth. The concept of explanation is wider than the concept of argumentation that's why "explanation" may be interpreted by many different ways.
Tall Panda juri
Stone Kitten This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.: #q30, #q28, #q27, #q25, #q24, #q23, #q22, #q18, #q16, #q14, #q13, #q12, #q11, #q9, #q8, #q7, #q3.
Stone Kitten pencipta
Интересно услышать отзывы)
Little Gopher
И вы их услышите. Плюс в том что вопросы соответсвуют уровню эксперт. Минусы: грамматические ошибки в разъяснений ко 2 вопросу в слове постулировал; в 7 вопросе: в самом вопросе "Анстифен" а в разъяснений "Антисфен".
Stone Kitten pencipta
Это не ошибки, а описки) Т9 может натворить, что хочешь) спасибо за то, что указали, попытаюсь за ним следить😂
Stone Kitten pencipta
Жду ещё отзывы)
Bold Meerkat
Прошел ваш тест, он интересен с точки зрения ответов, но абсолютно тривиален в качестве объяснений.

Ваши объяснения дублируют вопрос и не дополняют ответ: #q3, #q5, #q8,#q11, #q12, #q14, #q16, #q18, #q21, #q22, #q23, #q24, #q25, #q27 и #q30.
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