🧠 Math Tricks Quiz 🧠
Math tricks to calculate faster. You're given enough time to learn and apply tricks
1 min
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This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:

1. Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q30, #q29, #q1

2. Well-used and self-made media. 👍 E.g.: #q1, #q9, #q15, #q20, #q25, #q29

3. Provides a valuable service, teaches something useful that can be used in real life. 👍

4. Step-by-step approach to teaching. 👍 E.g.: #q1, #q9, #q15, #q20, #q25, #q29
Quick Python
Step-by-step approach to teaching!? After all, either the explanation is complete or it is taught step by step, it does not make sense to give both points to this very simple test.
Quick Python
You have violated the rights of other participants by giving points in this way.
Fit Puffin author
useful simple math tricks! 🤔
helpful for calculating faster in exams! 🧐
please support and leave a comment! 🙏
there will be more and better tricks coming... 💪
Kingly Bull
Nice tricks! The last one was difficult (I saw the images tiny)
Fit Puffin author
thank you for giving the quiz a try! 💛
sorry about that issue! 🙏
it will be fixed for next stage! 😁
Tall Ant
good quiz,
i suggest that the name should be changed.

good luck
Fit Puffin author
thank you for trying the quiz 👌
also thanks for your suggestion 👍
I will be glad to know your idea for new name 😊
Tall Ant
Fit Puffin I think that"Multiplication Skills" could be a good nane.
Захаров Иван
nice high- and middle- school tricks, I hope some day you will also make 'division-rules' quiz. it can helps students on exams! thx!
Fit Puffin author
thank you for your comment! 👍
good idea! 👌
division tricks will surely be added to the new quiz soon!
Nice quiz!!!
Waiting the next stage..💪
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How one will be rewarded ?
Done! What's the next step
Soyoye Olawale
Teach me more
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