Collective names of Animals
How good are you in recollecting what the group names of animals are? Here’s a test to jog your memory.
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4 комментария
Holy Duck судья
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your Quiz for the contest.
Unfortunately, this Quiz will not be able to receive a prize:

Missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat
the correct answer. E.g.:
Lawful Lion автор
Hello. Thanks for your feedback. I found it difficult to "re-explain" the answers as most are pretty straightfoward. I would appreciate if you could share ideas on how it could have been worked around.
Quiet Kangaroo
This is fun. One should definitely try this.

Is this curricular? No 😣
This is simple collection of interesting idea/fact
Lawful Lion автор
Thanks Kang! Your critic is factual. If it doesn’t pass as curricular maybe people can at least take it for fun or educational purposes. All work and no play they say....😊
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