Biology Grade 12
1 min
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8 reacties
Giant Elk jury
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Missing explanations. All explanations simply repeat "Choose the best answer". E.g. #q30, #q1, etc.
No explanation at all.
Brave Gnu auteur
Thank you for your comment dear
Giant Kitten
Although the questions are pretty solid, I would say there was no explanation included in any of the questions. "Choose the best answer." Is not an explantion, it's more of a pre-question directive, but not necessary in this case as the quiz only lets you choose one answer. And also the first question promoted a picture of channel/group, that was unnecessary and would also indicate the questions might be copied from such a place. Try to standardize the choices like if you have a choice like all of the above, don't shuffle the answers. Good luck:)
Brave Gnu auteur
Thanks for taking your time to explain in detailed manner. I truly appreciate that

I have just sent the quiz for this contest at the last minute but the sole purpose of the quiz is for free online education which is given by a channel that is given to students in Ethiopia by volunteers and the channel that is mentioned on sticker when the quiz starts is to give credit for all the volunteers that took participation and to vividly specify it is the channel’s property

For the copyrights you mentioned, since there are around 30 volunteers on different subjects i can’t be sure where they bring the materials so we will check that where it comes from

Good day

Stay Safe!
Brave Gnu auteur
Brave Gnu One more thing tho, we give explanations for the students who took the quiz on our study group
Giant Kitten
Brave Gnu That's what I meant if someone could prove the questions are materials copied or has rights over them and dispute you over it even if it's your volunteers, you might face a copyright infringement issue. 👍
Giant Kitten
Brave Gnu That's well and good. Try to briefly explain the answers next time. 👍
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