Teilungsquiz mit Abbildungen
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Well-used and self-made media. 👍 
Crazy Butterfly
There are two reasons why I would give this quiz two stars and one why I put this down to 1 and would love to obliterate it:
1. Quality: These quizzes are very low in quality. Make a division task, generate an image for it, copy paste title etc, make slight changes to the numbers, done
2. Idea: These are not a quizzes. This is just looking at an image, counting and being done with it. There is 0 knowledge or thinking required.
3. You tried to cheat the system! Instead of creating one quiz with all answers, you created 4 with the minimum of 30 questions, and probably hoped to win with all of them. This is the query to see all of them: https://quiz.directory/?query=&lang=de&level=&query=Teilungsquiz
Wise Fly author
To continue the reply from https://quiz.directory/quiz/jrrt4hy2?comment_id=4

1. I think I mean repetitive, low quality is another thing. To learn a skill you have to repeat an action over and over for example learning to write means writing many pages of as bs and cs failing and repeating. My quizzes are thought as a playground for kids to fail and learn.
2. I don't know if you ever worked with small kids in elementary schools, but we give them this exercises all the time. Educational means "Serving to educate; instructive" I give this type of exercises to small children to teach them about division. You can take a look to exercise level in google https://tinyurl.com/y9qvfqps if you want.
3. As in the previous answer cheating means disobeying but I respected all the rules
Crazy Butterfly
Wise Fly Yeah I am not going to say much here cause in the other comment its basically there. Probably for a child a good quiz. But not something I would call quiz. Especially not in the context of this contest.
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