Atoms, Compounds and Elements
Are you studying for your GCSE's? 📚or finished working on an Atoms, Elements and Compounds unit, or reviewing this topic 📘 ? Perhaps your interested in the topic and want to see if you can beat this test! Well this is the test for you. Let's see if your switched on 💡
10 sec
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Wise Squid jury
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
1) Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g. #q6,#q7,#q8,#q9,#q12,#q13
2) Not an original test. Questions, answers, explanations were copied from an existing test. E.g.
#q27,#q29,#q30 -
Happy Chameleon
Just a couple of consideration:
1) In two cases you almost repeated the same question (you exchanged the question and the answer):
In question 12 you ask "H is the symbol for" and the answer is "Hydrogen"; then in qustion 26 you ask "The symbol for Hydrogen is" an the answer is "H";
And you did the same for Helium in questions 2 and 21.
You have 118 different elements in the periodic table, why focus twice on the same elements? You could have asked about a different element you didn't mention in the others questions like copper, phosphorus or nichel (you don't even have to choose complicated elements).

2) Ten seconds are not many but since the qustions are very simple and answers are few and very rapid to read it is fine for your test. This is not the same for question 13: the four possible answers are much longer than in the other qustions and is difficult to read everything, understand and choose the right answer in just 10 seconds. Maybe it would have been better if you hadn't ask that question. Or maybe you could have chosen a longer time to answer.
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