Tebak Destinasi Wisata Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
Sudah sejauh apa kamu menjelajah Indonesia?
30 s
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21 comentarios
Swift Boar juez
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Educational pre-poll messages. 👍
Pre-poll messages introduce the question.
E.g.: #q7, #q9, #q11, #q12, etc
Gallant Tsany Abdillah
waahhh cuma salah satu :(((
Suave Tiger autor
Nyaris sempurna padahal ((
nomer 1 skip kelamaan baca soal, taunya pake waktu. 3 soal salah jawab, 1 soal salah pencet 😅🤣
Suave Tiger autor
Hahaha :)) yang salah yang mana ni
Ronny Hadyanto
Duh salah pencet #ngeles
Chic Goat
Kuisnya bagus, akan tetapi banyak pertanyaan dan gambar yang sepertinya hanya bisa dijawab oleh mereka yang pernah ke tempat tersebut
Quick Sheep
7. Di provinsi apakah Kepulauan Wakatobi terletak?

Pertanyaan yang tersebut di atas agak mirip dengan pertanyaan dari website ini:

Daya tarik wisata alam Wakatobi terletak di Propinsi…….
Suave Tiger autor
It's normal thing when you are talking about travel destination and you want to ask where is Wakatobi located. As a person who work in travel agency, I know people didn't really remember which province Wakatobi is located (if don't google it). Do you? Because it is in Sulawesi and we have 6 provinces, so it's obvious people (and I) will make the order of answer options with all provinces in Sulawesi : Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tengah. Why didn't include Gorontalo? Well, my goal is too make people confused.
Quick Sheep
29. Di manakah letak Taman Nasional Lorentz?

Pertanyaan yang tersebut di atas agak mirip dengan pertanyaan dari website ini:

Dimanakah lokasi dari taman nasional lorentz dan hewan apa saja yang di lindungi
Suave Tiger autor
Same case with Wakatobi's commen. please read comment above. I will not reply with Komodo's comment because it's the same thing you said "mirip" or similar. It is common sense to ask "where is [travel destination] located?" when you want to educate and ask it.
Suave Tiger autor
Suave Tiger My point is clear here. The quiz is about "Travel Destination in Indonesia". Then the next question will be "Where is that located?"
Quick Sheep
Suave Tiger Please, my statement hanya membantu juri menilai.
Suave Tiger autor
Quick Sheep My argument is also valid. :) What were you saying here and in others quizzes are mostly common, standard & normal things for basic quiz : "Why is sky blue?", "Why do we need to drink water?", "How do human breath?"
Quick Sheep
Suave Tiger Sudah, jgn lebay 🤭
Quick Sheep
19. Di manakah letak Pulau Komodo?

Pertanyaan yang tersebut di atas agak mirip dengan pertanyaan dari website ini:

Dimanakah letak pulau Komodo?
Febrian Syahputra
Nusa tenggara timur
susah yak hhh
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