Насколько вы экологичны? Вас ждут 43 вопроса по Экологии 🌿 и Устойчивому развитию🔄, и в них входят как бытовые, так и теоретические темы. Сможете ли вы осилить их? К каждому вопросу даны объяснения, а в некоторых из них будут ссылки на интересный материал по данной теме. Читайте и просвещайтесь! 📌 На каждый вопрос у вас есть минута, проходите тест вдумчиво и не спешите!
1 min
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Community Rating
Fierce Beetle judge
This test may have a higher chance of receiving a reward. Nominated for:

1. Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, etc.

2. Well-used and self-made media. 👍 E.g.: #q1, #q2, #q3, etc.
Fairy Fox
These images are taken from the Freepik site, where there are two licenses, which oblige on each image when using and not using if purchased, indicate the source, check PLEASE the licenses and purchases of this member. I hope this will be taken into account in the future, when comparing with the works of other participants who made sketches themselves.
Magic Turkey author
Fairy Fox The first question of my quiz has an image from Freepik, which, in turn, has a Freepik license ("Free for personal and commercial purpose with attribution."). Well, I have attributed this (by writing "designed by freepik") under the image. Also, I'd like to note, that all the other images are taken from Pixabay, this site has a license for all content, and everyone can use images from Pixabay for free, without any contribution.
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