"Questions intéressantes sur la France"
Connaissez-vous bien la France ? Testez ici votre connaissance du français grâce à notre quiz de 33 questions. Le petit drapeau ouzbek vous accompagne et vous aurez beaucoup d’informations sur ses villes, sa géographie, son histoire, sa littérature, sa fête, son art. Répondez à nos questions pour connaitre votre niveau !
30 s
Per pregunta
Mitjana de temps
Puntuació en la competició
Puntuació de la comunitat
15 comentaris
Fit Hyena jutge
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g. #q3, #q6, #q8, etc.
Fierce Dodo autor
I'm dissatisfied. "Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer". But it's not clear and correct. Because in the comments, the question and the correct answer are given together. In other words, the comment is brief and the comment is not an exact repetition of the correct answer.
+ Above each question, additional information is given in the image. This can also be seen as a comment.‌‌‌‌
Fierce Dodo autor
It can be said in the quiz in this link that the correct answer is repeated in the comment. But there is no such thing in my quiz.‌‌
Fierce Dodo autor
Or so it is in this quiz. I didn’t know you were wrong.‌‌
Fierce Dodo autor
But why didn't you exclude this quiz from the competition? In this quiz, too, a few questions are unexplained or the correct answer is repeated‌‌

Tall Panda jutge
Fierce Dodo This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.: #q1, #q3, #q6, #q7, #q8, #q9, #q10, #q11, #q12, #q13, #q14, #q15, etc.
Happy Lion
Assez intéressant 👍
Avliyoqulova Muqaddas Nasulloyevna
C'EST SUPER👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
Muhabbat Mardiyevna
Excellent !
Navro'z Nuritdinov
C'est super! 👍👍👍👍👍
Mamasaidova Binafsha
Très intéressant, super!
Saodat Karimova
C'est chic!!!
Calm Kitten
Un bon quiz
Feu la prova per a deixar un comentari