Everyday Cybersecurity
The lack of awareness about cybersecurity makes most people an easy target for anyone trying to hack into their personal data. This quiz aims to educate an average person about the importance of cybersecurity and privacy.
30 Sek
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5 Kommentare
Regal Otter Juror
Unfortunately, this test had to be disqualified.

1. Major language issues. Too many mistakes in questions, answers and explanations (grammar, punctuation, typos, style). E.g:
"Using self destructive messages", "Fraudsters imposing as your friends...", "steal your email’s password", "Why using a passcode is prefered over finger-print or face-unlock", "Collect and sell your personal data to whoever that seems fit", etc.

2. The test also contains misleading information. E.g:
- "All the things you do online can be monitored and hacked easily" ("Public WiFis are not safe because:") is outdated and wrong.

- “It will reveal your device information and location to the owner” ("Why clicking on a shortened URL is considered dangerous?") is misleading as it's a "danger" present when visiting any website.

3. Minor formatting and language issues. With seemingly random word casing being used e.g. "in it, Compromising", "means for Gathering", "Still vulnerable, But More secure on", "Cookie is a small piece of data", etc.

4a. Text written by others. At least some of the text in questions, answers, explanations were directly borrowed from other sources. E.g:

- "An email from a friend or coworker may seem legitimate, but it is not always enough to blindly trust the email itself." is taken from:

4b. Text borrowed from Wikipedia without attribution. At least some of the texts in questions, answers, explanations were directly taken from wikipedia without adding a link, which violates their license. E.g:

- "Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy source." is taken from:
mahbube T
That's cool! I actually have learned couple of new things in this Quiz.
It was fun to learn by this quiz 😀👍
Reyhane Z.i
I learn some new things 😅✌️
Sweet Walrus
Well done. 👍 Smart way bypassing the "single-choice" obstacle.
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