Dunyo davlatlari poytaxtlari | Geografiya
Dunyo davlatlari poytaxtalini topish bo'yicha test sinovlari
10 s
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5 commentaires
Tall Panda juge
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Missing explanations. All explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.:
#q1, #q2, #q3, #q4, #q5, etc.
Quiet Gorilla auteur
My Quiz was disqualified for explanations being repeated (rule 1b), but this is not true because each explanation contains a link to a different website which explains the correct answer.
Fluffy Gorilla
1. There is no explanation for answers. it only repeats correct answer with NO further information
Quiet Gorilla auteur
Did you see google maps link ? it is enough for explanation i think
Fluffy Gorilla
Quiet Gorilla the point is that there are no links. not at all. Moreover, if you read carefully my comment it says answers don’t have explanatory information. Explanation for answers must contain educative information rather than just a link .
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