Facts about the universe
A quick quiz with questions about the universe
30 sec
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Educational explanations. 👍 Explanations cover why the correct answers are correct and why the wrong answers are wrong (when appropriate). E.g.: #q1, #q39, #40
Rich Goose author
Thanks a lot. I am already planning to add some link too as soon as I can edit it
Sharp Chameleon
Hi! I have a doubt about question #16: shouldn't you specify what kind of star you are talking about, when you ask which is its main element? I mean, neutron stars have a different composition from our Sun, but they are still stars...
Rich Goose author
Your are probably right. I should refer to stars in the main sequence. I will correct it
Sharp Chameleon
Rich Goose Glad I helped you making your quiz better! Cheers :)
Hip Goose
Good quiz for every person who knows or want to learn about space.
Rich Goose author
Thanks a lot for the nice comment
Quirky Fox
Pre-poll images might probably be helpful...
Rich Goose author
Thanks for the feedback. I am thinking about improvement as soon as I can edit it
Quirky Fox
Rich Goose You’d better create another one, so you can compare usability and results...
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