Amazing Biology Quiz
If you are interested in biology or want to test your knowledge base then this quiz is your best option! This quiz fits to any level of knowledge and even if you fail you will still learn a lot by embedded explanations. Enjoy!
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6 commenti
Giant Elk giudice
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest.
Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:

Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g. #q2, #q4, #q11, etc.
Hip Cat
Cool quiz..Although it contained some errors, I enjoyed the quiz...
A noteworthy error was my question No.6 that asked which part of the brain was affected by alcohol.. ALL Parts of the human brain are affected by Alcohol albeit by different levels of alcohol.
You could have done a better job in most of the explanations.
Overall, a good quiz.. Kudos
Sacred Rabbit autore
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it, you are right about the brain and alco, it affects many parts, and especially the cerebellum from what I know, maybe I am wrong, do you know by the way what part can be even more affected? Just the pure interest and curiosity)))
Hip Cat
Sacred Rabbit Cool reply...I searched in vain for any well detailed research or report stating what part is most affected.
However, it is well stated that the cerebral cortex is first affected by low levels of alcohol intake which can lead to speech slurs.. Therefore one can deduce that the cerebral cortex may be most affected due to repeated intake of even low levels of alcohol.
Sacred Rabbit autore
Hip Cat I see, cool^) thank you for the information you provided) BTW, If you are interested in some of my other few quizes just let me know and I will share them with you) Have a nice day/night)))
Sweet Lion
Good but the time is long
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