Literature 🌎 all around
Imagination is an art, literature is the artist. Test the depth of knowledge in literature
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4 comentários
Agile Hamster juiz
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Major language issues. Too many mistakes in questions, answers and explanations (grammar, punctuation, typos, style). E.g.
Savvy Lizard
There's quite a bit of typographical errors.
Stone Squid
Savvy Lizard is right, there are a lot of typos and mistakes in the test. So many that the list would be too long to enumerate them in the comments :/
I suggest you using a grammar & spelling corrector before inserting the text in QuizBot. It would help significantly. The idea is pretty good, but it's spoiled by numerous typos, unfortunately.
Stone Squid
Plus, there are plagiarism issues... Like in the explanation about "The Blah Story": "Overwhelmingly creative, Nigel Tomm demolishes the barrier of words and meaning..." etc. It's enough to google it and see that this is the first line of the review on Google Books :(
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