HTML & CSS baholash testi
Bu viktorinada siz HTML & CSS bo'yicha o'z bilimlaringiz qanchalik mustahkam ekanligini baholab ko'rasiz. (Viktorinada qatnashish uchun siz ishlatayotgan Telegram messendjeri eng so'nggi versiyada bo'lishi kerak !)
15 sec
Per question
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Contest Score
Community Rating
Fit Hyena judge
Thank you for taking the effort to submit your test for the contest. Unfortunately, this test will not be able to receive a prize:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations just rephrase the correct answer. E.g.:
#q15, #q14, #q7, etc.
Little Gnu author
I think, not more than, 10. yes maybe 4 or 5 poor explanations in my quiz. But not more than 10. Please recheck my quiz.
Little Gnu author
I have tried, to make good quiz , but you have not give us some insturoction, how to make good quiz, and about explanations .
Little Gnu author
Please, recheck my work. It is my first attempt, don’t quench my curiosity sir
Little Gnu author
Everybody has did mistakes, human is not perfect. Please, recheck my work. It is my first attempt, don’t quench my curiosity sir
Tall Panda judge
Little Gnu This Quiz was fully re-assessed by an independent Judge.

The original verdict was confirmed to be correct.

In addition to the above issues:
Too many missing explanations. More than 10 explanations simply repeat the correct answer. E.g.: #q5, #q6, #q7, #q8, #q10, #q11, #q12, #q14, #q15, #q16, #q17, #q19, etc.
Little Gnu author
Little Gnu author
Calm Wolf
Yaxshi test, bir nechta savollar sal sustroq desa bo'ladimi. <blog> degan savol, blog deb nima chunasiz? Bu muntazam yangilanadigan web sahifa, balki siz matn bloki demoqchi bo'lgandirsiz? Umuman olganda, o'zbek testlarini orasida eng yaxshisi bu xozircha. Yaxshi ish.
Little Gnu author
Thanks very much
Little Gnu author
Ha <p> tegini nazarda tutgan edim
Calm Wolf
Little Gnu Xa, chundim.
Kamchilik bir ekan
Little Gnu author
Qaysi bir ekan
ZO'R Test Ekan
Little Gnu author
Asadbek Noyibjonov
test zo'r lekin next tugmasini o'rniga avtomatichiski keyingi testga o'tadigan qilish kerak
Little Gnu author
Bu endi meni qo'limda emasda, telegramning imkoniyati bu
Test tuzuvchiga tashakkurlar
Little Gnu author
Etibor uchun raxmat, do'stlaringi ham taklif qiling birodar
Alisher Ortiqov
Yaxshi test, ammo ba'zi bir savollarda kamchilik kuzatilgandek, albatta men yanglishmayotgan bo'lsam :)
Little Gnu author
Salom, qaysi savol ekanligini aytsangiz, abatta tuzatishga harakat qilamiz
Alisher Ortiqov
Little Gnu 6-savolni nazarda tutdim. Bu yerda to'g'ri javob src varianti, ammo src aslida teg emas...
adress tegini belgilash mumkin, ammo savoliz sal tushunarsizroq bo'libdi, to'g'irlash uchun savolizni "Web sahifada suratni url manzil orqai akslantirish uchun qaysi atributdan foydalanamiz?" deb o'zgartirshingiz mumkin. Albatta bu shunchaki maslahat, boshqacha tushunmang ;)
Little Gnu author
Alisher Ortiqov Ha raxmat, ozim ham attribut deb yozmaganimdan juda afsusdaman, albbat buni ham ziyrak insonlar payqashadi, Raxmat ishlaringizga ham omad
Abduvohid Sobirov
Juda yaxshi ishlangan boshlanishiga zòr
Little Gnu author
Raxmat bro,
🇺🇿 .بِلَالْ
Good luck👍👍👍
Little Gnu author
Thanks bro
Savollar yaxshi tuzilgan foydali ham
Little Gnu author
raxmat harakat qilyapmiz
Olģa faqat oldinga
Little Gnu author
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